New Cloud Server
My server was still running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, so time to think about upgrading the OS.
Besides the upgrading I was a bit fed-up with the whole Wordpress setup. Not really happy with the product. So how to solve these two issues?
After a hiatus of around 12 years back into using FreeBSD as the OS on the server. In a couple of hours I setup a new droplet with FreeBSD as host OS. Pretty simple and memory muscle returned. Did get myself a nice book on the topic: “Absolute FreeBSD, third Edition” To me more of a nice reference book. Help full that is for sure.
On the second issue; Wordpress. First I tried to just move website content and moving the database. On it self getting all the components installed and running, not a real big issue.
However then the dreaded white screen of death.. And no idea why, and frankly no more interest either…
How can I create a nice simple website? A search has started and a solution has been found. I now create my site in Publii, a nice simple macOS Application that generates a nice static website to be published. No more need to setup a database server or a PHP Engine. Just a plain simple webserver. In this case Nginx.